Dear journal
Finished my essay which was due in today. Missed the deadline by 10 minutes because I got sidetracked. I hope they don't penalise me for it - oh what the heck if they do, it'll just be another pile of manure on top of the mountain that's already burying me
The college has miscalculated my course fees on my student grant application so it looks like I'll have to find £150 (US$300) from somewhere - I've told them if I have to pay, they won't get it until I'm working again. It's their fault anyway - they might pay it out of their bursary fund. AND it's because of said student grant that my unemployment benefit entitlement is being questioned. This degree is just one big nightmare for me at the moment - apart from the actual studying!
Was treated to lunch by a friend today - we had battered fish, chips and mushy peas plus bread - yummy - I haven't had this for ages!
I've got some herbal tablets to try help lift my mood - scullcap and wood betony - apparently its good for stress and anxiety but doesn't affect your alertness like some remedies do. I'll find out in a few days time!
emo immersed in equine excrement
will someone please feed me a straw to breathe through?!